Monday, October 31, 2011

Richard Gill: The Value of Music Education

Richard Gill: The Value of Music Education

The wonderful Richard Gill talked earlier this year about music education for young children. He spoke about the right of every child to be taught music properly by teachers who are qualified to do so. He also cautioned against classifying all the arts together in one big lump - they are different. And he used examples to show the way that music coaxes children into the abstract thinking.

Favourite quote: "Music is worth teaching because it empowers children spectacularly".

Click on the link (above) to watch.

Woytopia - what a great day

Here are The Tangeloes (well, most of us) singing at Woytopia, Woy Woy South Public School's annual eco-fair.  What a great event.

Here's our adoring public (only a little bit stacked with rellies and friends).  Great to see some of my younger students watching (from baby/children's music classes at Beachside, and even the Empire Bay school choir).  So great for them to witness grown-ups participating in singing and so obviously having enormous fun with it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Acapella at Woytopia

The Tangeloes are rehearsed and psyched for their next gig on Sunday Oct 30 at Woytopia - we are on at at 12.15.  Lots of great acts - check their website for what's on.