Monday, August 2, 2010

Early counting - start with your baby!

In my primary teaching studies, I'm constantly gobsmacked by the amount that children learn before they ever see the inside of a classroom.  So often we seem to take this learning for granted, and only notice it when it's not there.

Today we were shown a video of a young school-aged child who did not yet know how to count.  He knew the names of some numbers, but he didn't know that numbers always come in the same order, and he didn't know that when you count, you point to each item as you say the next number, counting each item only once.

Counting is a fundamental skill - kids have to know how to do this before they will be able to move on to other maths operations. For adults, counting is so automatic that we sometimes forget that our kids need to learn it.  I'm not saying your baby needs to be a maths wizz, but it's great if they know how to count up to 10 when they start school.

How can you help your little one start to count?
  • Model the counting behaviour when the situation arises.
  • Count everyday items at the shops, in their toybox, on their dinner plate.  Count the steps as you go up or down.
  • Start with small amounts, eg the numbers from 1 to 3 or 1 to 5.
  • Get them to join in and make it fun.  Maintain an attitude of play. Of course, you know I'm going to say that music can play a huge part in helping young children start counting. 
Some examples of number songs and rhymes for the very young:
  • 3 Pink Jellyfish
  • 5 Little Ducks
  • 2 Little Dickie Birds
  • 3 Cheeky Monkeys
  • Round and Round the Garden
  • Here is the Beehive
  • Jean, Jean, Dressed in Green
  • Five Currant Buns
The list goes on.  For preschoolers, you can start using songs that deal with the numbers up to 10.  For example:
  • This Old Man
  • 10 Green Bottles
  • Going Over the Sea
  • 10 Little Fingers
  • 1,2,3,4,5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive.

Some of these songs (eg 3 Pink Jellyfish) actually encourage both forwards and backwards counting.  As usual, there is so much going on when we sing a simple traditional song.  They are choc-full of incredible learning opportunities. Happy counting!

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